Screencasts and video clips: Chapter 08

Screencasts and video clips: Chapter 08

Screencast 8.1
This screencast explains the importance of getting the units right when you use the ideal gas law

Screencast 8.2
This screencast explains how equation 8.13b links the kinetic theory to the empirical ideal gas equation

Screencast 8.3
This screencast explains the significance of Equation 8.19 and the way molecular speed is linked to temperature and molar mass.

Screencast 8.4
This screencast explains collision cross-section by talking you through Figure 8.15.

Screencast 8.5
This screencast explains mean free path and walks you through Equation 8.23.

Screencast 8.6
This screencast walks you through the Van der Waals equation (Equation 8.25).

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