Self Quiz Chapter 3: Autonomy, Moral Agency, and Self-identity

Quiz Content

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. According to relational autonomy,

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. If a person is in such severe pain that their autonomy is limited, then that person is under a(n)

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. When we make a choice that only refers to our personal values to guide us, we make a(n) _______ choice.

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. It is _______ to interfere with an autonomous individual's choices.

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. Our most mundane or habitual choices are usually considered _______ choices.

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. When we evaluate some of our own personal values, we are acting at the level of _______ choice.

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. A positive and healthy end to exploration can bring an individual to the point of

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. We should not assume that most ordinary adults are autonomous. Most are not, and even the few that are not usually responsible for their actions.

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. Suppose I make a fully authentic choice. Then that enables me to make my next choice authentically as well without having to reassess any of my values.

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. Having made his life commitments, an adolescent is then ready to move into the stage of sustained exploration.

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