Self Quiz Chapter 18: Obligations to Future Generations

Quiz Content

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. People who will be living two hundred years from now are

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. A merely possible person is

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. Which of the following is not true regarding future actual people?

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. An indeterminate person is someone that

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. Presently indeterminate persons can include people

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. A couple has no children but would now have a child if they had not used birth control. Their use of birth control

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. It is not possible for us to have any moral obligations toward indeterminate future persons.

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. Since acting to preclude the existence of all future persons cannot wrong any such persons, doing this cannot commit any sort of moral wrong.

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. Although we have obligations to ensure the welfare of both future generations and present people, their interests often conflict.

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. We may still have other obligations toward future generations even when we are unable to keep from harming them by doing something we have no choice about now.

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