Self Quiz Chapter 12: Virtue Ethics

Quiz Content

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. _______ refers to the idea that one's becoming moral is more basic and more important than keeping a set of rules.

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. Given virtue theory, if you want to know how you should act, you should

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. The several right choices aspect of virtue theory says that

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. According to Aristotle, every activity humans engage in is aimed towards just one overall and ultimate good:

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. The mean or "golden mean" for virtue

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. Slote points out that the moral beliefs of people in other societies and times have been less than entirely accurate. He goes on to argue that

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. If I act kindly in some situation, then that proves that I have the virtue of kindness.

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. Aristotle claims that there are differences between people regarding the virtues. For example, to develop the virtue of courage, one person might have to practice taking greater risks, while another person might have to learn to hold back a bit.

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. The motivation problem for principle-based theories refers to the fact that their determinations of what one ought to do are largely imposed from outside rather than arising from within.

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. Virtue-based ethics suggests that it is probably impossible to provide universal moral principles that can tell us what we should do in every situation; morality is just too complicated for such a cookie-cutter approach.

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