Chapter eleven: Social Movements and Alternative Politics
Website of Abahlali baseMjondolo, the Shack Dwellers’ Movement in South Africa.
Website of Amazon Watch, a non-profit organization aiming to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin, which contains information about legal struggles and cases of social mobilization.
Website of the American Scientist magazine, providing a significant source of information about the controversy relating to the development of the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil.
The film Dear Mandela (2011) follows three young activists in the Shack Dwellers’ Movement in South Africa.
This timeline was a significant source for the events of the Arab Spring.
Website of International Rivers, an organization working to halt destructive river infrastructure projects in the global South, address the legacies of existing projects, and improve development policies and practices.
The film A Message from Pandora (2010) documents the battle to stop the construction of the Belo Monte dam in the Brazilian Amazon.
The Global Nonviolent Action Database provides information about hundreds of cases of non-violent action.
The documentary film Pray the Devil back to Hell (2008) tells the story of Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace.
Website of Sexual Minorities Uganda, an umbrella organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBT) people that has been central in the struggle against state-sponsored homophobia in Uganda and the region.