Chapter ten: Civil Society
Links to the ways in which the United Nations system works ‘in partnership’ with civil society on issues of global concern.
The website of the Grameen Bank Organization, including articles about micro-credit by its founder Muhammad Yunus.
The International Center for Non-Profit Law monitors conditions under which civil society organizations operate in a large number of countries.
The site of the Civil Society and Governance Research project at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, funded by the Ford Foundation, which examines the interplay of civil society and governments in twenty-two countries.
The International Monetary Fund’s Civil Society newsletter provides regularly updated information on the IMF’s collaborative efforts with civil society groups around the world.
The Centre for Civil Society at the London School of Economics is ‘a leading, international organisation for research, analysis, debate and learning about civil society’.
The United Nations Civil Society site explains the different ways in which the United Nations interacts with and promotes the development of civil society.