Chapter 26 Quiz for Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance

Quiz Content

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. The ""new left"" in Latin America have advocated regionalism as a way of breaching the persistent hegemony of the United States.

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. Hugo Chávez won the Venezuelan presidency in 1998

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. The Uruguayan leader called the ""world's poorest president"" because of his austere lifestyle was

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. More than 60 years of right-wing rule in Paraguay ended when former Catholic bishop Fernando Lugo defeated the Colorado Party candidate in

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. In Costa Rica, women held nearly _______ of all congressional positions in 2015.

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. Despite the changing political atmosphere, few efforts have been made to investigate and prosecute human rights abuses under military dictators in Latin America.

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. The Shining Path in Peru funded its guerilla attacks

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. FARC membership in Colombia grew from 6,000 in 1982 to _____ two decades later.

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. U.S. financial assistance to Colombia totaled roughly _______ over 15 years.

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. By the mid-1990s, the transport of South American cocaine brought in more money than Mexico's legal petroleum industry.

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. The Mexican Sinaloa Cartel was headed by

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. In 2012, the top five most dangerous countries in the world included

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. In the first half of 2014, US border patrol agents intercepted roughly _______ children refugees.

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. Although they are affected daily by the drug trade, women have been excluded from participating, except at the very lowest levels.

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. The massive increase in legal immigration to the United States beginning in the 1960s was prompted by

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