Chapter 23 Quiz for Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance

Quiz Content

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. Under Kennedy's Alliance for Progress, Latin American countries promised to correct social injustices and promote economic growth in exchange for

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. Lyndon Johnson was a strong supporter of the Alliance for Progress during his administration and reiterated the goal of assistance through economic programs.

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. Covert action in _______ became a model for subsequent US interventions in Latin America.

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. After the "Aztra massacre" government officials acknowledged the deaths of only ___ people.

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. The Social Democrat undermined by the CIA and eventually overthrown by the military in the Dominican Republic was

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. Che Guevara was killed in 1967 in

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. The concept of "bureaucratic authoritarianism" was introduced by

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. Like previous dictators, bureaucratic authoritarians relied on charisma and personal devotion.

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. The demands of the Mexican student protestors in 1968 did NOT include

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. Salvador Allende was deposed after he

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. Under Pinochet, an estimated _________ Chileans were killed or "disappeared."

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. After Juan Perón died, he was succeeded by

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. The Madres de la Plaza de Mayo were identifiable by their

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. The Mexican government responded to the Avándaro music festival by

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