Chapter 16 Quiz for Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance

Quiz Content

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. The opposing factions in Uruguay leading up to the Guerra Grande were led by

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. The War of the Pacific, in which Chile faced Peru and Bolivia, was fought over the

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. The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States would not tolerate European attempts to recolonize any area of the Americas.

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. The European nation most supportive of the Monroe Doctrine was

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. Spain's naval defeat by Mexico in ____ marked the end of Mexico's struggle for independence.

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. The conflict between France and Mexico over unpaid debts and damages to private property is known as the

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. Mexico barred all US settlers from moving into its northern territory.

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. Efforts to quell an uprising in Texas were led by

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. The US-Mexican War was sparked by

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. The U.S. and Mexico agreed on the Gadsden Purchase in 1853, for which the United States paid

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. Filibusters were most active in

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. William Walker launched an invasion in and declared himself president of

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. The leader of the Dominican Republic who arranged for Spain to administer the country as a protectorate was

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. In the Convention of London, partner nations agreed to confiscate the customs house in Veracruz to repay Mexico's debts and promised not to occupy the nation, but ______ quickly abandoned this promise.

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. Although he was despised by liberal Mexican, Maximilian I was supported by many conservatives, who supported his policies and the return to monarchical rule.

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