Chapter 08 Quiz for Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance

Quiz Content

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. Charles V agreed that that, for one generation, conquistadors and early settlers might receive encomiendas in exchange for

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. Despite prohibitions, tribute often included

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. In the decade before the New Laws of 1542 again banned native enslavement, Spaniards exported between ___________ slaves from Nicaragua.

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. In addition to banning native enslavement, the New Laws of 1542

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. The New Laws sparked a civil war in

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. Labor drafts to provide workers for agriculture, mining, and other public interests were known in New Spain as

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. Iberians soon developed a taste for pork after being introduced to it by the Inka.

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. The most important producer of gold in the Indies was

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. The Indies' leading export sent back to Spain was

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. Because of sugar's imperishability, it made for a stable crop and could be grown anywhere, without regard for transportation.

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. In 1526, Charles V prohibited single ships from sailing to or from the Americas.

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. The Spanish Crown consolidated control of trade with the Americas in 1543 by creating the House of Trade in

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. The only Spanish treasure fleet ever lost to enemy attack was seized in 1628 by the

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. Pirates of English origin often operated out of

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. Between 1661 and 1710, the value of actual silver reaching Europe surpassed registered silver production in the New World by

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