Chapter 06 Quiz for Exploitation, Inequality, and Resistance

Quiz Content

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. During Spanish rule, more than ________ Jesuits and friars arrived in the Indies.

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. The Spanish Crown saw the Christianization of the New World as an essential part of its mission in the Indies.

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. The income to sustain the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the Church's physical facilities and activities in the Indies came from

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. The first order to arrive in Mexico, in 1524, was the

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. At first, friars in the Indies emphasized converting

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. To deal with the fact that many Indians were scattered throughout a region, making conversion difficult, friars

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. The Franciscan cleric known for spending his own wealth to create mission communities modeled on Sir Thomas More's Utopia was

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. In Brazil, Christianization efforts were directed by the

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. Mendicant clergy took vows of poverty and their orders provided their subsistence.

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. The Council of Trent was the Catholic Church's

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. Baroque piety—displays of opulence in churches and rituals, extravagant celebrations of saints' days, etc.—was popular in Iberia but never gained a foothold in the Indies.

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. Around the turn of the 17th century, the Church became the principal source of ________ in the Indies.

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. The policy that required elected offices rotate between European-born Spaniards and those born in the Indies was called

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. At their height, the thirteen convents in Lima housed more than __________ of the city's women.

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. The elite, and best educated, members of a convent were known as

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. Like their male counterparts, the female orders engaged in agricultural production.

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