Media Resources: Chapter 09
CBC Archives
1990: Introducing the Bloc Québécois
"Everyone that thought it would be business as usual the day after [the failure of Meech Lake], you're in for a big surprise," warns former Liberal MP Jean Lapierre. Lapierre has banded together with six other disaffected sovereigntists who were disappointed with the failure of the constitutional accord. These politicians have united under the banner of the Bloc Québécois and are led by former federal Tory Environment Minister Lucien Bouchard. The group aims to be the official voice for a sovereign Quebec in Ottawa.
Pierre Trudeau elected leader of the Liberal Party
After five highly productive and embattled years, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson is preparing to make his official exit from politics during the 1968 leadership convention in Ottawa. As this CBC Television clip shows, the party has voted in a new leader; the young and charismatic Pierre Trudeau. A jubilant Trudeau completes his first speech as Liberal leader, then gives the stage over to Pearson to deliver his final address.
The Reform Party is formed
It's called the "Western Assembly on Canada's Economic and Political Future"—not exactly a thrilling name for a conference, but its outcome will end up being hugely important in Canadian politics. The weekend-long forum begins on May 29, 1987, and by the end of the weekend, the delegates have decided to create a new federal party. "Its name and ideology will come later," announces the reporter in this 1987 TV clip. It's the beginning of what we later come to know as the Reform Party of Canada.
Trudeaumania, 1968
It was the swinging sixties and Pierre Trudeau was the new prime minister. Trudeaumania swept the land as Canada celebrated its centennial year in 1968. In this report we hear from some young students who've taken the day off school to watch a campaign speech by Trudeau. They seem to want Trudeau to win the upcoming election. Why? One youngster explains: "Because he's handsome, and a swinger, too."
TVO's The Agenda
Election Reform
The Agenda convenes a panel of experts to discuss what election reform could look like in Canada.
The State of Conservatism in Ontario and Canada
Conservative party stalwart John Mykytyshyn surveys the state of conservatism in Ontario and Canada these days, focusing both on Patrick Brown’s leadership of the provincial Tories, and the state of the Conservative Party of Canada leadership race nationally.