Practice Quiz: Chapter 01

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following characterizes politics as a pervasive pattern of oppression?

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. Who said, "The fundamental concept in social science is Power, in the same sense in which Energy is the fundamental concept of physics"?

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. According to Leo Panitch's definition, the concept of the state refers to what?

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. In response to the question, "in whose interests is the state's authority exercised?" which approach to the study of politics is the most eclectic in its explanation of the basis of state oppression?

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. Which of the following is an example of power exercised by influence?

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. Which thinker was concerned with the development of a "tyranny of the majority"?

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. The term "government" refers to what?

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. Through which mechanism(s) can citizens vote on important public questions in between elections in representative democracies?

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. Eugene Forsey maintained that the "rule of law" is the foundation of democratic government because this legal principle means what?

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. According to a 2013 Reader's Digest poll, who are people more likely to trust than politicians?

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. Which term refers to control of government by an elite class of citizens or nobility?

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. On which agenda are matters deemed worthy of receiving government attention placed?

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. Democracy is a political system based on what?

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. Which term refers to when the values and beliefs of the dominant group in society are accepted as normal and inevitable by society as a whole, despite being contrary to the actual interests of most people?

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. Which term refers to the recognition that a person or organization issuing a command has the right to do so?

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. What was Thomas Jefferson's solution to the public's poorly informed opinions on public matters?

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. What does a feminist-based definition of politics emphasize as the basis for political conflict?

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. Which term refers to the ability of A to convince B that a particular action is reasonable or otherwise in B's best interests?

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. Almond and Verba maintained that democratic government depends on what?

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. Which term refers to the belief that the opinion of the majority should almost always be considered in decision making?

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. Which of the following is true about the rules and institutions that comprise the state, in order for them to be legitimate?

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. The "democracy index" identifies rule of law with what?

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. Which term refers to compliance that results from the threat or use of force?

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. Which of the following are characteristics of social capital?

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. Which term refers to a procedure found in some democracies to remove elected officials before the end of their term?

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. According to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "political power . . . is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another."

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. Direct democracy is more commonly practised than representative democracy in Canadian government.

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. Public opinion surveys indicate that older Canadians tend to be the least interested in politics and are less likely to participate in politics.

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. According to Freedom House's World Democracy Audit, Canada is the most democratic country in the world.

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. "Social capital" refers to the norms of interpersonal trust, a sense of civic duty, and a belief that one's involvement in politics and in the life of the community matters.

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. Victor Davis Hanson states that "Democracy is like pornography, we know it when we see it."

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. As stated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, rights and freedoms are absolute in nature—fixed as originally written—and not subject to re-interpretation by the judicial courts.

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. Pluralism views politics as being fundamentally a competition between different interests.

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. Occasionally, in a democracy when public opinion is divided and elected officials are unwilling to legislate, unelected judges have usurped policy-making prerogatives to uphold the rights of minority groups.

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. An independent judiciary is necessary in a democracy in order to check the abuse of power.

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. The terms" government popularity" and "state legitimacy" may be used interchangeably.

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. "The personal is political" is the slogan of the feminist movement.

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. Pluralists view politics as fundamentally a competition between different interests.

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. Multiple group identities protect against the tyranny of the majority.

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. Class analysis views the state as an inherently patriarchal institution.

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