Chapter 2 Weblinks, Articles, and Books

Political Culture

Articles and Books

Wiseman, Nelson. (2008). In Search of Canadian Political Culture. University of British Columbia Press: Vancouver.

An examination of the multiple political cultures that exist within Canada, geographically, historically, ideologically, and otherwise.

Recommended Websites

An enormous online repository of survey data on cultural attitudes and beliefs in Canada and 80 other countries.

Archived video and radio stories on various aspects of Canadian culture at this CBC website.

This digital archive maintained by the government of Canada includes a huge range of information on individuals, organizations, and events relevant to an understanding of Canadian political culture.

A database of useful resources and reporting on various aspects of Canadian studies.

An interesting series of essays considering current issues in Canada, including climate policy, socio-economic issues, and policies relating to Indigenous peoples in Canada.

This report from the Brookings Institute, mentioned by Brooks in the textbook, examines economic mobility in 27 countries including Canada and the United States.

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