Chapter 16 Video: Indigenous Politics

Indigenous Politics

In the video, Senator Murray Sinclair responds to the oft-asked question of why Indigenous people “can’t just get over it”. Sinclair discusses why Indigenous people continue to make known their history of suffering and persecution in Canada.

Highlighted Segment

• 0:00–1:32: Senator Murray Sinclair speaks at the MMIW public forum in Ottawa.

Transcript Area

Suggested In-Class Discussion Questions

1. Having watched the clip, what is your reaction to what Senator Sinclair said?
2. Do you agree with the opinion expressed in the video? Why or why not?
3. In the clip, Sen Sinclair talks about the memorialization of victims, including survivors of 9/11, soldiers in WWII and indigenous people in Canada. Do you agree with this comparison? Why or why not?
4. What, in your view, is “important for us to remember” in Canada?
5. What impact might the changing demographic composition of Canada have on future relations between Indigenous people and other Canadians?

Suggested Assignment Questions

1. Compile a list of events/people which should be commemorated in Canada.
2. The material in this chapter could form the basis of a simulation game. Students could be divided into various teams representing stakeholder groups in discussions concerning reconciliation and tasked with coming towards some form of agreement on how to implement some of the 94 Calls to Action of the TRC.

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