Chapter 7 Web links

Writing up business research

Style and appropriate language

Remember that your writing should be free of sexist or racist language. The British Sociological Association provides some useful guidelines on this issue, which can be found here:

The Social Text Affair

Alan Sokal is a professor of physics at New York University, and this site takes you to his web page, which contains links to some interesting articles he has written on The ‘Social Text Affair’.

Forum: Qualitative Social Research

This issue of the Forum: Qualitative Social Research contains a number of articles about subjectivity and reflexivity in qualitative research, an important element in the writing up of research.

Ethnographic writing

This article on the Social Research Update Web site is written by Martyn Hammersley. It gives detailed advice about how ethnographers can go about writing up their findings.

Writing guide

This guide is provided by the Language Centre at the Asian Institute of Technology and it covers all of the different elements typically involved in writing up business research.

Writing up your PhD

This piece by Dr Andrew Colman goes through some of the pitfalls that face a student who is attempting to write up their PhD.

Words and phrases to avoid

This provides some tips to help you meet high standards in both the content and format of your scholarly writing. Although written for PhD students in the first place, it is applicable to all levels of study.  

Grammarly: Free writing assistant

Grammarly is software that detects grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes in your writing. It is very easy to use as you only need to copy and paste text in English into its editor. It also explains the reasoning behind each correction, so you can make an informed decision about how to correct an issue and learn for the future.

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