Chapter 15 Web links

Quantitative data analysis

HyperStat Online

This is an interesting and informative site dedicated to the analysis of quantitative data. It has extensive details on the major methods of quantitative analysis as well as links to a number of other useful sites. Well worth a look if this is an area that you are interested in.

Statistics Glossary

This is a glossary of key terms written by Valerie Easton and John McColl and is a very useful quick reference guide.

Statistical Significance

This is a short guide to the issue of statistical significance, covering its basic meaning and application. This page is linked to the website of The Survey System,which is a software package available to organizations conducting market research and opinion polling.

Interactive Statistical Calculation

This site claims to have over 600 links to other web pages that perform statistical calculations. Happy browsing!

Selecting statistics

An interactive tool that also serves as a guide for selecting statistical techniques for analysing social science data. It is not a substitute for the advanced study of statistics but is good when used as an exploratory tool when considering and choosing the statistical analyses you might conduct.

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