Chapter 15 Further reading


P Tweed, Privacy and Libel Law: The Clash with Press Freedom (2011) Bloomsbury Professional


N A Moreham, ‘Beyond information: physical privacy in English law’ (2014) CLJ 19(1) 62-66.

An exploration of the aspects of privacy law which are not addressed by the action for ‘misuse of private information’.

N A Moreham, ‘Unpacking the reasonable expectation of privacy test’ (2018) LQR 651

An analysis of the key element in determining the ability to bring a privacy action in tort.

D Eady, ‘Injunctions and the protection of privacy’ (2010) CJQ 411

An opportunity to benefit from the personal observations on the issue of the ‘super-injunction’ of one of the key judicial figures in this area of the law.

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