Chapter 9 Outline
9.1 Humans Can Adapt to Seeing the World in a New Way
9.2 Retinal Ganglion Cells in Adult Amphibians and Fish Can Reestablish Connections to the Tectum
9.3 Various Permutations of Retinotectal Regeneration Refute a Strict Version of Chemoaffinity
9.4 Visual Experience Fine-Tunes Frog Retinotectal Connections
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Three-Eyed Frogs Show Us the Way
9.5 Mammals Require Visual Experience during a Sensitive Period to Develop Functional Vision
9.6 Physiological Recordings Reveal How Visual Deprivation Impairs Sight
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Strabismus in Kittens Drastically Alters Visual System Connections