Chapter 5 Outline
5.1 Ramón y Cajal Described Growth Cones and Discerned Their Significance
5.2 In Vitro Approaches Reveal Principles of Axonal Growth and Adhesion
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Getting a Grip: The Role of Adhesion in Axonal Growth
5.3 Guidance Cues May Be Attractive to One Type of Growth Cone and Repulsive to Others
5.4 Families of Receptors Offer a Multitude of Guidance Cues
5.5 Pioneer Neurons and Guidepost Cells Establish Pathways for Later Axons
5.6 Many Axonal Growth Cones Have to Deal with Crossing the Midline
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK What Makes the Floor Plate so Attractive?
5.7 Motor Neuronal Axons Must Find the Correct Target Muscles
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Can You Navigate Your Way Home?
5.8 The Axons of Retinal Ganglion Cells Must Reach the Midbrain
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK I’d Rather Walk over Here
5.9 The Corpus Callosum Is Directed across the Midline by a Glial Bridge
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Glia Can Help Axons Cross a Border