Chapter 10 Outline
10.1 The Terms Instinct and Innate Are So Vague That They Are Worthless
10.2 Species with Parental Behavior Develop the Most Complex Brains and Behavior
10.3 Maternal Behavior Can Regulate the Stress Response of Offspring
10.4 Many Species Look to Their Parents to Recognize Mating Partners
10.5 Observational Learning Can Transmit Behaviors across Generations
10.6 Birdsong Is a Learned Behavior Where Young Males Model Their Father’s Song
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Sparrows Are Predisposed to Learn Species-Specific Song Elements
10.7 Humans Are Predisposed to Learn Language without Any Formal Training
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK The Habituation Response Allows Us to Read Babies’ Minds
10.8 Primates Require Love to Develop Properly
10.9 Postnatal Social Stimulation Continues to Affect Brain Development
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Social Stimulation Alters Neuregulin Signaling to Promote Myelination
10.10 Intelligence Tests Demonstrate the Pervasive Effects of Culture
10.11 The Controversial Issue of Racial Differences in Average IQ Performance
- RESEARCHERS AT WORK Does Race Affect the IQ of German Offspring of American GIs?