Global Political Ecology

Quiz Content

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. Collective action problems are a result of _________________.

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. The ________________ perspective is also deeply rooted in systems thinking

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. According to the chapter, environmental agencies pay so much attention to wetland protection because of ___________.

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. The maximum capacity of an ecosystem to sustain organisms could be described as __________________.

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. _______________ are the human benefits generated by the ecosystems that host and surround human communities.

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. The concept that preventative remedial action is warranted in situations where consequences are high relates to ___________________________.

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. Which of these were not a major achievement of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development?

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. ___________________and ___________ are key elements of development.

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. The Essay on the Principle of Population was written by _____________.

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. The most comprehensive effort(s) that has(ve) focused on the pursuit of sustainable development would be ______________.

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. In between 2005 and 2015, the population of Sub-Saharan Africa grew annually by ______________.

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. In 1994 the Prime Minister of ________________ challenged the concept of morality in support of abortion.

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. What does the term Anthropocene mean?

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. The collection of biological organisms that exist within the global ecosystem is referred to as ___________.

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. Which one of these global environmental agreements has been the most successful in terms of concrete outcomes in the last century?

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. Which one of the following countries has recently been embroiled in a tense controversy UNESCO over logging in an ancient forest designated a UNESCO World Heritage site?

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. When greenhouse gases create a blanket effect, trapping heat, and preventing the nightly cooling of the earth, this process is known as ____________.

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. In 2007, _____________ introduced global climate change for the first time as a topic in the UN Security Council.

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