Global Politics Matter

Quiz Content

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. The U.S. executive order to impose traveling restrictions on people from certain countries was issued in _________________?

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. What year did the Brexit vote occur?

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. It is estimated that the destruction caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017 will cost the Puerto Rican government ______________.

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. Which of these epidemics has recently created health concerns for Americans traveling incertain countries ?

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. According to a ____________ half a degree Celsius warming could affect tens of millions of people.

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. In the early ____________ there was less support for U.S. military action in Iraq and Afghanistan compared to ______________.

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. How long did it take for the world's population to reach 1 billion human beings?

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. About how many years did it take the world population to jump from 1 billion to 7.7 billion people?

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. Which of these countries was not a part of the original 2015 Iran nuclear deal?

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. Which of these countries withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal?

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. The first chair in the International Relations field was established in____________?

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. ___________ is a leading forum of the study of global affairs.

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. Currently, there are almost ____________ states in the global community.

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. There are an estimated ____________ prominent IGOs operating globally.

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. The Peace of Westphalia was signed in __________.

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. Over _____________ women die in childbirth each year.

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. More than _______________ women who die in child-birth are from Africa.

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. The Peace of Westphalia ended the _____________.

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. __________ became the primary actors following the Westphalian international system.

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