Chapter 9 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. A motivational perspective assumes that behavior will persist when

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. Hull's concept of Habit (H) is most analogous to

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. According to Hull's conception of the factors affecting performance, the strength of a behavior is determined by which formula?

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. Which statement is not an assumption of Hull's theory?

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. Incentive learning refers to a subject's

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. Research on incentive effects have shown that

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. A "specific hunger" involves

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. Which occurrence is likely to result in a negative contrast effect?

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. According to Hull, the rG-sG mechanism represents the

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. Which statement is not an assumption of Amsel's model of frustration?

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. If frustration is a function of the difference between expected reward and what was obtained,

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. Sydney announces to her class that bonus points will be available for written thought papers on a topic. She expects performance on tests to increase. Which statement is true?

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. The partial reinforcement extinction effect

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. Sequential theory argues that a behavior will more likely be persistent if the subject experiences

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. After Johnny has eaten ice cream, his mother asks him if he would like a glass of sweet tea. "No!" he says, "that would taste awful after ice cream." Johnny is anticipating

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. Concurrent measurement studies were designed by researchers to test whether

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. A rat is trained to lever-press to avoid receiving a shock in an operant chamber. In the second phase of training, the rat receives a tone-shock and flashing light–food pairings in a wooden box. In the third phase, the rat is placed back in the operant chamber and the tone and flashing light are presented separately on different trials while the subject engages in avoidance responding. If classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, and central states interact as Rescorla and Solomon propose, then the light should _______ avoidance responding and the tone should _______ avoidance responding.

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. Research findings from Pavlovian–instrumental transfer and concurrent measurement studies have led researchers to conclude that

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. Over time, a nurse comes to enjoy the ordinarily nerve-wracking task of taking blood from patients. This enjoyment would be predicted by

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. Drug tolerance is most likely due to

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