Chapter 8 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Over time, the features of an organism that indicate that it might be a tasty meal for a predator

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. Stimulus control is beneficial to an organism because it

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. An animal's ability to respond to a novel example of a polymorphous concept

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. A young child often can recognize many common birds (e.g., robins, cardinals, blue jays, gold finches, etc.) as birds, but is stumped when presented with a picture of an exotic-looking peacock. This inability to extend the learned generalization to a novel species illustrates the _______ theory of concept learning.

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. Travis correctly identifies a painting he has not seen before as a Picasso. When asked how he recognized the painter, he points to the cubes as a characteristic element in of Picasso's paintings. Travis's behavior would support which theory of category learning?

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. A pigeon is reinforced for pecking a yellow, but not a purple, key. When tested with colors similar to yellow, responding falls off gradually as the color becomes more different. Which of the following statements is true?

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. A pigeon is trained with two separate SD stimuli, a tone and a yellow light. Assume that a green light serves as an SΔ and acquires an extraordinary amount of inhibition, such that it will generalize very widely across the spectrum. What should happen to peak shift around the SD?

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. In which situation has a "peak shift" phenomenon occurred?

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. After not seeing a light that signaled food for a month, a rat now shows substantial fear to the light. What might have happened?

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. Which scenario illustrates perceptual learning?

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. _______ is a procedure used to study working memory.

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. Research on rats solving the radial maze problem has found that

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. In a study of scrub jays, the observation that the jays have knowledge of _______ would indicate that the birds had episodic memory.

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. Which observation about time cognition is false?

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. A researcher trains animals on an interval schedule using the onset of an explicit cue (e.g., light) as the signal that behavior will not be reinforced until a set amount of time has elapsed. This researcher is using the _______ procedure.

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. According to the information processing model for timing proposed by Gibbon and Church, a hypothetical mechanism produces a timing sensation or pulse that is used to measure the amount of time that has passed. This mechanism is referred to as the

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. Studies of spatial learning using blocking designs in the Morris water maze

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. In order to determine direction or distance, some animals use an external or environmental cue that is near the goal. This is called a

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. Which term does not belong with the others?

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. Awareness of one's own mental state and the use of that information to guide behavior

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