Chapter 7 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Edwin Guthrie argued that learning occurs as a gradual process because

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. Which instrumental learning theorist assumed that behavior is inherently flexible and goal-oriented, and that instrumental associations also involve S-O associations?

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. Skinner assumed that reinforcement is powerful enough to

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. The procedure of fading involves gradual changes in

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. In operant conditioning, the stimulus that sets the occasion for a response to be nonreinforced is a(n)

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. Which term does not belong with the others?

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. A behavior chain is

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. Which schedule results in a conditioned or primary reinforcer after every target behavior?

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. A rat gets a food pellet every time it presses a lever five times. The rat is on a(n) _______ schedule.

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. A pigeon pecks a red key and is reinforced for a peck after either 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, or 40 seconds, with these times arranged in random order. The pigeon is on a(n) _______ schedule.

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. In general, the schedule that produces the highest and most stable rate of responding is the _______ schedule.

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. A food vending machine presents a variety of options, many with different prices. If we think of price as the equivalent of effort or behavior (i.e., putting in more money requires more effort), the food machine options can be seen as an example of a _______ schedule.

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. Many cafeterias have different prices for lunch and dinner offerings, even though the food is the same for both meals. This mixed food pricing, which requires the consumer to pay more depending on the time of day, is a type of _______ schedule.

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. Impulsiveness decreases when

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. A rat must press a lever for a variety of food options and access to water. When the schedule requirements for food options and water are varied, lever-pressing for food options varies as the schedule changes, but water consumption is not affected by the food schedule. In this scenario, water would be classified as a(n) _______ commodity.

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. A rat in a Skinner box spends 50% of its time pressing for sucrose pellets and 50% of its time pressing for food pellets. The rat is then fed all the food it can eat in its home cage. When it returns to the Skinner box it spends 50% of its time pressing for sucrose, only 20% of its time pressing the food-pellet lever, and 30% of the time chewing the bars in the bottom of the cage. This result can be explained by

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. Which statement does not express one component of Hull's theory of learning?

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. Premack assumed that the real or effective contingency operates between

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. The minimum distance model assumes that

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. The behavioral version of selection by consequences assumes that

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