Chapter 4 Outline
The Rescorla-Wagner Model
- Blocking and unblocking
- Extinction and inhibition
- Other new predictions
- CS-US contingencies
- What does it all mean?
Some Problems with the Rescorla-Wagner Model
- The extinction of inhibition
- Latent inhibition
- Another look at blocking
The Role of Attention in Conditioning
- The Mackintosh model
- The Pearce-Hall model
- A combined approach
- What does it all mean?
Short-Term Memory and Learning
- Priming of the US
- Priming of the CS
- Habituation
- What does it all mean?
Nodes, Connections, and Conditioning
- Wagner’s “SOP” model
- Sensory versus emotional US nodes
- Elemental versus configural CS nodes
- What does it all mean?