Chapter 3 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. The unconditional stimulus is

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. In most conditioning studies,

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. The conditional stimulus is a(n)

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. Mom always prepares food in the kitchen. Hungry children follow her whenever she goes into the kitchen. In this scenario, Mom is the

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. A dog handler who has paired a click sound made by a metallic clicker with food observes that the dog will also react to the snapping of her fingers or a clicking sound she makes with her mouth. The dog's response to similar auditory cues is an example of

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. You and your new friend Scott go for a drive and are pulled over by the police. The officer comes to your window and apologizes for scaring you, but is a friend of Scott and wanted to talk to him for a few moments. Despite not getting a ticket, you still feel anxious driving with Scott because you associate him with being pulled over by the police. This response suggests that an _______ association was formed when you were first pulled over.

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. S-S learning is also referred to as _______ learning.

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. If the response to the US changes, the response to the CS also changes. This observation best supports the conclusion that associations

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. You buy a new "WhizBrand" laptop computer with an extra-large monitor from "Shiny Vision." You take your computer to work, and shortly after moving all your files and deleting them from your old computer, your WhizBrand computer crashes and destroys all your data. You will never buy a WhizBrand again, and you also avoid Shiny Vision monitors. Why might you fear the Shiny Vision monitors?

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. At your elementary school, there was a bell in the classroom that told you when it was lunchtime. At middle school a clock on the wall indicated it was time to change class, which was also signaled by a bell. Every time you looked at the clock in high school, you felt hungry. You were affected by

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. Which of the following is not a typical feature of effective conditioned-suppression preparations?

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. The _______ method requires the fewest trials to obtain conditioning, while the _______ method requires the most trials.

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. As you are driving your younger brother to basketball practice, he notices that the wheels of the truck in front of your car have thrown up a rock. Milliseconds after the rock hits the windshield your brother yells "incoming!" Later, the word "incoming" can elicit a _______ expectation that a rock will hit the windshield because of the phenomenon of _______.

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. In the classic horror movie Psycho, distinctive high-pitched violin music plays before and during each vicious stabbing by the psychotic killer. Since watching the movie, you experience an increased heart rate whenever you hear the Psycho music. This phenomenon is an example of _______ conditioning.

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. Preexposing a subject to a CS or US

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. _______ counteracts an excitatory association.

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. When a CS has become a conditioned inhibitor, researchers assume that to the subject, the CS now signals "no US." Which evidence best supports that conclusion?

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. When a researcher presents both the CS and US at irregular and nonoptimal timing intervals, subjects can learn that the CS predicts that the US will not happen. This inhibitory conditioning procedure is most like _______ inhibition.

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. A negative contingency is a situation in which

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. In an experiment with rats, a researcher first pairs a light with a shock for 20 trials, and then pairs a light-and-tone compound with the same shock. When the rats are tested with trials of the tone only, the light only, and the light-tone compound only, the researcher finds that the subjects show fear responses with

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. For blocking to occur,

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. For overshadowing to occur,

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