Chapter 3 Outline
The Basic Conditioning Experiment
- Pavlov’s experiment
- What is learned in conditioning?
- Variations on the basic experiment
Methods for Studying Classical Conditioning
- Eyeblink conditioning in rabbits
- Fear conditioning in rats
- Autoshaping in pigeons
- Appetitive conditioning in rats
- Taste aversion learning
Things That Affect the Strength of Conditioning
- Time
- Novelty of the CS and the US
- Intensity of the CS and the US
- Pseudoconditioning and sensitization
Conditioned Inhibition
- How to produce conditioned inhibition
- How to detect conditioned inhibition
- Two methods that do NOT produce true inhibition
Information Value in Conditioning
- CS-US contingencies in classical conditioning
- Blocking and unblocking
- Overshadowing
- Relative validity in conditioning