Chapter 2 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Which term does not belong with the others?

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. Which of the following studies would not be conducted by ethologists?

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. The concept of fitness means that compared to the less successful members of a species, the more successful members are

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. Fixed action patterns occur when

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. Whether or not a behavior is innate can be difficult to establish because

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. Which of the following is an example of habituation?

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. Which statement best describes habituation?

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. Following a behavior with a desirable event would be called a(n) _______ procedure.

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. Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

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. Escape is said to occur when a subject

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. Avoidance is said to occur when a subject

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. When Sasha gets ready to walk her puppy, the puppy sometimes resists the leash by squirming. In response to this behavior, Sasha stops what she is doing, stands up straight, crosses her arms, and looks away, conspicuously ignoring the puppy. Sasha is using the procedure of _______ to reduce the dog's tendency to misbehave.

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. Punishment is a procedure in which _______ every time the subject performs a particular behavior.

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. Shaping is a procedure used in _______ conditioning to gradually _______.

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. When an animal or human experiences a taste or odor that is associated with illness, they learn to avoid contact with that taste or odor in the future. This conditioning procedure is referred to as

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. Sam's kickboxing gym gives current members a credit for one month's membership fees for every two new members they refer to the gym. To date, Sam has earned three months of credit on his athletic club fees. The gym then discontinues the membership credit program, and Sam's referrals quickly decline to zero. This change in Sam's behavior is most likely due to

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. Which example illustrates spontaneous recovery?

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. Travis drinks several beers in the same bar every weekend without consequence. One Saturday he sees some friends in the bar as he walks by. He stops in to say "Hello," but does not have a beer. As he is about to leave, he begins to feel nauseated and has a bad headache, as if he had a hangover. Travis could be experiencing

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. In general, classical and instrumental learning occur most readily when

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. The issue of preparedness in learning is connected to

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