Chapter 10 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. The two-factor theory of avoidance proposes that

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. Analyze the following statements and identify which ones express the key assumptions of the two-factor theory.

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. Escaping a cue paired with shock can reinforce

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. Which scenario illustrates a response–prevention procedure?

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. Sidman avoidance

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. Research on SSDRs has shown that

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. The perceptual-defensive-recuperative model assumes that

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. According to two-factor theory, you are more likely to slow down when a police car pulls up behind you if the police car

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. If a warning stimulus remains on after the avoidance response, avoidance learning can be facilitated by

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. Learned helplessness can occur when the subject

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. In the first phase of training, a rat placed in an operant chamber receives shocks regardless of what it does. In the second phase of training the rat is placed on a running wheel and can avoid receiving a shock by moving the wheel one complete revolution. To the extent that the rat has difficulty learning that response, we could argue that generalized _______ decreases the subject's ability to learn the response-outcome contingency.

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. Learned helplessness has been put forth as a valid model for understanding

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. Suppose you reward your dog with a bone every time it brings you the newspaper. When instinctive drift kicks in, your dog will

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. A fine-grained analysis of behavior patterns that occur when food is delivered at fixed intervals, regardless of behavior, revealed that different subjects engage in a variety of behaviors for a brief period of time after the delivery of a reward. These idiosyncratic behavior patterns among different subjects are referred to as _______ behaviors.

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. You are pulled over by the police and receive an enormous fine for speeding on Prospect Street. Now you avoid driving on Prospect Street because

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. The misbehavior of organisms demonstrates that

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. Travis's partner cheated on him. Once a powerful reinforcer his partner, has been "devalued." Travis no longer picks up the phone to call his partner because he has developed _______ in his experiences with his partner.

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. Travis's partner cheated on him. Once a powerful reinforcer, his partner has been "devalued." Travis avoids the phone when it rings. This avoidance is likely due to

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. Travis's partner cheated on him. Once a powerful reinforcer his partner, has been "devalued." After a long day of work on Friday, Travis suddenly finds that he has driven to his partner's house. This behavior was likely the result of

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. The hippocampus seems to be involved in _______ learning, while the caudate nucleus is necessary for the expression of _______.

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