
Quiz Content

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. According to the Twelve Tables, the order of succession of a Roman citizen who died intestate was:

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. The Praetorian order of intestate succession was:

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. Bonorum possessio:

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. The Justinianic order or intestate succession was:

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. The category sui et necessarii heredes did not include:

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. As a general rule, those who had the capacity to make a will (testamenti factio activa) included:

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. The Senatus consultum Tertullianum of c. 130 AD:

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. The testator's capacity to make a will:

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. The military will (soldier's will):

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. Those who could take under a will included:

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. In a mancipatory will:

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. The formal institution of the heir in a Roman will:

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. An heres necessarius was:

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. The ius civile rules on exheredatio stated:

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. The Praetorian rules of exheredatio stated:

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. Trusts (Fideicommissa) were created:

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. In classical (i.e. of the first three centuries of the Empire) Roman law, the querela inofficiosi testamenti could not be brought by:

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. The Lex Falcidia (40 BC) awarded the heir:

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. A legacy per vindicationem:

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. Beneficium inventarii:

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