Blatchley Chapter 04 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Another way to say the mean of a sample is the...

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. What is the median?

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. Which if the following does not describe the mean?

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. The mode of a data set is the...

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. Consider the data set that consists of: 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5. 3 is the...

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. In statistics, the mean, median, and mode are often used to represent what is considered "typical" in a data set. What does "typical" mean in this context?

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Use this data to respond to questions 7 through 9

Consider this data, showing the number of digits they can recall in a digit span task: 5, 8, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6.

What is the mean of the data?

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. What is the median of the data?

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. What is the mode of the data?

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. The use of x̄ (or x-bar) refers to the...

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. In a dataset of 50 individuals, a researcher requested that they provide their annual income. The max value is 2,000,000 and the mode is 55,000. The researcher decided that 2,000,000 is an outlier and does not represent the population that he is studying. Therefore, he excludes this participant. Which of the following must be true?

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. In a dataset that has no mode, but the mean and median are equal, which is likely true?

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Use it to answer questions 14, 15 and 16.

Here are data of 10 individuals’ data reporting their subjective wellbeing on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest): 66, 79, 78, 85, 50, 89, 92? (H, p10, 11, 12).

What is the mean of the sample?

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. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the mean and the median in this sample?

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. What is the mode of the sample?

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. A researcher is entering data into his computer on hourly pay rates. Instead of typing in 10, he entered 1,000 for one particular data point. What is the most likely outcome of this error?

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. In a negatively skewed distribution, it is the case that...

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. When a distribution is positively skewed?

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. How are skewed distributions best characterized or described?

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BDI Score ƒ
1-7 68
8-14 97
15-21 64
22-28 59
29-35 44
36-42 42
43-49 39
50-56 12
57-63 6

With grouped data, how does one obtain the mean, median, and mode?

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. How do measures of central tendency relate to the kind of data that you have?

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. Of the three measures of central tendency that were discussed, which is most appropriate to use for data on a nominal scale?

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. A video gaming company is looking at which genre of games they are selling most. When aggregating the data, which type of descriptive statistic is most meaningful?

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. A data scientist is looking at the number of characters the average twitter user types in their tweets. When aggregating the data, which of the following measures of central tendency are appropriate?

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. A research conducting a study with individuals who suffer form insomnia was examining the effects of two drugs and a control group (a placebo pill). She has data on how the number of hours each person spent sleeping after experiencing a drug or placebo. Which of the following are suitable for her dataset?

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