Blatchley Chapter 03 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Histograms show ___________ on the y-axis and ________ on the x-axis

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. The x-axis was formally known as the _______________; the y-axis was formally known as the _________________.

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Below are some data about whether an individual ever learned how to swim, using this data, please respond to questions 3 – 7.

This data is best described as...

Participant ID Yes or No
1 No
2 Yes
3 Yes
4 No
5 No
6 No
7 Yes
8 Yes
9 No
10 No

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. This type of data is best conveyed via a...?

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. What percentage of the participants have at some point learned how to swim?

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. How many individuals in this sample never learned how to swim?

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. If you created a plot for this graph, what would each axis represent?

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. Discrete data suggests that...

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. Which of the following is usually not an example of discrete data?

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. Which of the following is true about continuous and discrete data?

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. Continuous data suggests that...

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. A frequency histogram is best used when data is ________________ while a bar chart is best used when the data is __________________.

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. Which would be the correct way to split the number 357 in a stem-and-leaf graph?

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. Why would you opt to use a stem-and-leaf graph over histograms and bar charts?

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. Which of the following is most similar to a frequency polygon with regards to its purpose and interpretation?

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. Frequency polygons are an ideal alternative to frequency polygons when the data are _____________________.

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. Pie charts can be useful when presenting...

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. In a situation when you have two continuous variables and you are trying to portray the relationship between the two, which of the following is best used?

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. Which of the following is not true about scatter plots?

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. A researcher is interested in examining the effects of screen time and child development. He collects information about how often young children watched tv, and the duration (i.e., time) of their temper tantrums. To visualize this data, the best option would be a...

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. In a time-series plot, a plot with 2 peaks is best described as...

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. Which of the following best describes using graphs to represent data?

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. Which of the following should be done, when creating a graph?

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. In which situation below is the use of graphs potentially dangerous?

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. Which of the following is not a safe assumption with respect to using a graph?

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