Blatchley Chapter 01 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. In general, the field of Statistics is about the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of ___________________.

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. Which of the following does not describe a dataset?

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. What is statistics generally concerned with?

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. Descriptive statistics are used to...?

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. Which of the following best describes descriptive statistics?

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. Saying that approximately four out of 100 individuals will at some point in their lives endure mental illness is best described as a...

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. Collecting data from every member of a population is highly impractical. Because of this, being able to make predictions from a sample is what makes _________________ statistics is valuable.

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. Which of the following is the best reason for using inferential statistics?

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. A researcher is interested in how undergraduate college students engage in different aspects of their romantic relationships. In this case, the population is likely not to include...

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. Thomas is examining the effects of learning new motor skills, such as dancing, in older adults (i.e., those 65 and older). He collects a sample from a senior center nearby. In this case, adults over 65 are best categorized as the target _______________________.

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. What is the purpose of collecting sample data?

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. Which of the following best describes the relationship between a population and sample?

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. In a study, a scientist is investigating how stereotypes form and influence prejudicial behaviors in White Americans. In his data, he only has data from individuals who identify as Caucasian or White. Which of the following is the most accurate limitation of his data?

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. Which of the following best describes a representative sample?

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. Maria collects data from 20 infants, with hopes to better understand how they visualize objects and their ability to retain objects in working memory. Which of the following is not true?

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. What is the difference between a statistic and a parameter?

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. Which of the following correctly describes a sample versus a population?

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. When a sample is not representative, which of the following is most likely true?

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. Extraneous variables are generally...

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. What is the benefit of controlling and accounting for as many possible extraneous variables as possible, when conducting an experiment?

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Use this description to respond to questions 21 – 24

What is the relationship between violent video games and aggressive behavior? Josh conducted an experiment in which participants played violent or non-violent video games for 3 weeks. He believes that violent video games should increase tendencies to engage violently. They were then brought into the lab and responded to a survey about behaviors and the participant reported whether or not they engaged in a checklist of different violent behaviors, among other non-violent behaviors.

What is the independent variable(s)?

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. Was there a hypothesis? If so, what was it?

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. What is the dependent variable?

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. How many levels of the independent variable are there and what are they?

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. In an experiment, the research is generally testing whether or not the ____________ is right.

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