Chapter 27 Further reading
• Kalderon, D., Roberts, B.L., Richardson, W.D., and Smith A.E. (1984). A short amino-acid sequence able to specify nuclear location. Cell, 39, 499–509.
A key finding in early research on how proteins are directed to different cellular compartments.
• Perry, A. (2010). Protein translocation across membranes. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. www.els.net [doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0000632.pub2]
A good overview of the various cellular compartments and how proteins are transported into them.
From an on line resource: eLS (Encyclopedia of Life Science).
• Kabachinski, G., and Schwartz, T.U. (2015). The nuclear pore complex—structure and function at a glance. Journal of Cell Science, 128, 423–9.
A review that covers several aspects of transport in and out of the nucleus, and mentions some dysfunctions of the nuclear pore complex that are associated with disease.