Chapter 23 Further reading
• Lovett, S.T. (2007). Polymerase switching in DNA replication. Molecular Cell, 27, 523–6.
A short ‘minireview’ of the prokaryotic ‘replisome’—discusses evidence that three DNA polymerase molecules are present at the replication fork, and recruitment of repair factors during the process of DNA synthesis.
• Lindahl, T., and Wood, R. (1999). Quality control by DNA repair. Science, 286, 1897–905.
A fairly concise overview of DNA repair mechanisms.
• Greider, C.W., and Blackburn, E.H. (1996). Telomeres, telomerase and cancer. Sci. Am., 274(2), 80–5.
Discusses the problem of DNA end replication, DNA shortening, and how telomerase protects
chromosomal end segments. Possible relevance to ageing and cancer discussed.