Chapter 22 Further reading
• Chambers, D.A., Reid, K.B.M., and Cohen, R.L. (1994). DNA: the double helix and the biomedical revolution at 40 years. FASEB J., 8, 1219–26.
Reviews a meeting to mark the 40th anniversary of the double helix. Biochemical nostalgia, but which summarizes the landmarks in the area and looks to the future.
• Cordaux, R., and Batzer, M.A. (2009). The impact of retrotransposons on human genome evolution. Nature Reviews Genetics, 10, 691–703.
A review of retrotransposons and the many ways that they affect the human genome.
• Lander, E.S. (2011). Initial impact of the sequencing of the human genome. Nature, 470, 187–97.
An exploration of the impact of the human genome sequence in the decade since its publication, and the road ahead in fulfilling the promise of genomics for medicine.