Chapter 09 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. By 1917, Siegfried Sassoon believed that World War 1 was a conflict of

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. On the Eastern Front, Russia

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. During the war, women made up __________ of those employed in the British defense industries.

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. In the countryside, peasants called to the war effort were

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. As a percentage of total population, the country that lost more soldiers than any other was

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. After years of rosy propaganda, the German population was shocked in November 1918 to learn

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. After the Battle of Ypres, the armies on the Western Front

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. By 1916, the German population was facing a near-starvation diet caused by

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. Russia pulled out of the war in 1917 because

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. The Battle of the Somme, in which the British won a small strip of territory from the Germans and which killed almost 1.3 million soldiers, lasted

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. The Allies were forced to attack the Ottoman Empire over land, by marching through the Middle East, after their failed attempt at conquest after landing at

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. The tide of the war turned against Germany when

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. By the end of 1916, three years into the war, the Western Front

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. American public opinion turned against Germany after

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. The group of German leftists known as the Spartacus Union were eventually renamed the

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. After the war, the Allies dealt with the Austro-Hungarian empire following

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