Quiz Content

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. A major disadvantage to email interviews is that

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. Interviews conducted by broadcast reporters differ from those conducted by print reporters because

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. Which of the following is NOT among the generally accepted ways of getting an interview subject to answer a difficult or embarrassing question?

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. In regard to taking notes and recording interviews, most reporters recommend

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. Telephone interviews are best for

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. A good way to get a reluctant source to speak is for the reporter to

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. One way of organizing questions for an interview is called the funnel, which arranges questions

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. When asking questions of interview subjects, reporters often

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. The best location for interviewing a source is

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. Which of the following is NOT one of characteristics of a good question to ask during an interview?

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. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons reporters should perform background research before they interview a source?

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. In deciding how many sources are enough for a particular story, the reporter must take into account these four factors:

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. In seeking the best available source to interview for a news story, the reporter primarily is looking for a person who

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. Which of the following is NOT part of the planning process for interviews?

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. When interviewing for a personality profile or other feature, reporters often

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. Which of the follow sets of information must a reporter conducting interviews for a news story about a crime or city council action discover?

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