Quiz Content

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. The primary advantage of the inverted-pyramid organization is that it

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. The second paragraph of an inverted-pyramid story should

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. Stories that include many important subtopics often deal with these by

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. Which of the following is NOT one of the errors beginning news writers commonly make in the second paragraphs of inverted-pyramid stories?

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. The three parts of an hourglass story are

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. The advantages of the hourglass story structure are that it

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. The focus style story includes a nut graph, which

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. A focus story lead is often

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. A news reporter writing a narrative style story writes as a playwright or a novelist would by

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. Writers can use words or short phrases to move a story from one topic to another. Five common types of transitional words are

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. One way reporters can explain large numbers-millions, billions and trillions-is by

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. Descriptions help readers visualize people and places. The best descriptions use

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. A good transitional sentence

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. If there is humor in a news story, it should be apparent

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. If a news story reports on a controversy in which one person has made accusations against another, the reporter should

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