Quiz Content

not completed
. The word in a sentence that conveys action is the

not completed
. The antecedent of a pronoun usually is

not completed
. The words "that" and "which" are called

not completed
. The tense of a verb indicates

not completed
. Which of the following is NOT an adverb?

not completed
. The organization of a basic sentence is

not completed
. The general practice in American English is to treat collective nouns as

not completed
. What is the problem with the following sentence? "General Motors is expanding their production line."

not completed
. The rule for when to use "who" and when to use "whom" is that

not completed
. In order to avoid confusion, a modifier should be placed

not completed
. What is the problem with the following sentence: Jim should be back from the store in a hour.

not completed
. Which of the following best describes why good writers avoid passive-voice sentences?

not completed
. The subject of the passive-voice sentence is usually

not completed
. When a sentence has several elements in a series, all of the elements should

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