The EU:
Links to legislation, case law and preparatory documents. The Official Journal, the definitive source for legislative material, is now also available online. Fully searchable.
Europa Summaries of Legislation:
Gives excellent sector by sector links to full text and summaries of the development of legislation in relation to all the key EC environmental laws, as well as to issues like implementation and enforcement.
DG Environment:
A better starting point for further information and research, which groups information by sectors and also includes the annual survey on implementation and enforcement. The relevant webpages for each sector usually contain the text of key directives and guidance, and the site is generally well structured with drop down menus.
European Environmental Law Homepage:
Combines official information - treaties, legislation, case law and other documents - with helpful dossiers and extensive links
Like an ENDS Report for European developments, with sections on environment and on sustainable development. News, dossiers and analyses, and links to other sources such as previous documents, reports etc making it a valuable springboard for research.