On sustainable development

The Rio Declaration

Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development - Plan of Implementation:

The Future We Want:
This was adopted at the Rio+20 Summit in Rio in 2012.

The Reith Lectures 2000:
Keynote lectures from a range of speakers on various aspects of sustainable development (text, audio and video)

Securing the Future:
The latest version of the Government's sustainable development strategy, launched in March 2005. Replaces the 1999 strategy A Better Quality of Life: A Strategy for Sustainable Development for the United Kingdom.

Sustainable Development across the UK: Alongside 'Securing the Future' there is a Strategic Framework for the period to 2020 ('One future ' different paths: The UK's shared framework for sustainable development: http://archive.defra.gov.uk/sustainable/government/documents/SDFramework.pdf).

This provides the basis for national strategies, see:

England: See Defra’s website for more general information: http://sd.defra.gov.uk/

Scotland: Choosing our future: Scotland's Sustainable Development Strategy (2005): http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/SustainableDevelopment

Wales: One Wales, One Planet: the Sustainable Development Scheme of the Welsh Assembly:

Northern Ireland: Everyone's Involved: A Sustainable Development Strategy for Northern Ireland (2010):

Sustainable Development Commission: http://www.sd-commission.org.uk
The Commission has now been abolished. Despite this its website still has valuable information about the Commission's advisory, advocacy and watchdog roles.

The EU’s Proposal for a Seventh Environmental Action Programme: Environment 2010: Living well, within the limits of our Planet:

On the precautionary principle

European Commission Guidelines on the Precautionary Principle (COM(2000)1):
The European Commission’s understanding of what the precautionary principle entails (which must be read alongside the judgments of the Court of Justice mentioned in the chapter)

Cartagena Biosafety Protocol:
The most developed precautionary international law instrument. (For a helpful overview see the guide produced by FIELD and IUCN at http://www.unep.org/biosafety/files/IUCNGuide%20on%20the%20CPB.pdf

On the polluter pays principle

1974 OECD Recommendation on the Implementation of the Polluter-Pays Principle [C(74)223]:
http://www.oecd.org (and search on 'polluter-pays principle')

On 'wild law'

UK Environmental Law Association:

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