Quiz Content

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. The term "___________" refers to acts that contribute to the welfare of others.

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. Each of the following is a prima facie rule of obligation supported by the principle of beneficence except:

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. According to ______________, people have a general "obligation to assist" if it is in their power to do so, without sacrificing other morally important goods, even at significant personal cost.

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. A moral obligation to provide "continued access" to investigational products for former research subjects is often based on:

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. ____________ paternalism involves intervention in the life of another person on grounds of beneficence or nonmaleficence with the goal of preventing substantially nonvoluntary conduct.

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. According to Beauchamp and Childress, ____________ alone justifies truly paternalistic actions.

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. __________ _________ analysis is a tool used in policymaking, which measures potential benefits in nonmonetary terms, such as quality-adjusted life-years.

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. Which of the following do the authors cite as a potential drawback to instituting a general precautionary principle with regard to new technologies?

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. _____________ requires that agents balance benefits, risks, and costs to produce the best overall result.

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. The strategy of ______________, devised by John Stuart Mill, states that provisional intervention is justified to ascertain whether a person is acting autonomously, but further intervention is unjustified once it is clear that the person's actions are autonomous.

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. The term "___________" refers to the character trait or virtue of being disposed to act for the benefit of others.

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. In health care, many obligations of __________ beneficence arise as a result of the professional relationship of physicians to patients.

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. ______________ refers to the act or practice of making an appropriate and often proportional return (benefit for benefit, gratitude for generosity).

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. Soft paternalistic policies, like "sin taxes" on cigarettes, can lead to _____________ of population subgroups, sometimes leading to heavy psychosocial costs.

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. When there is a duty to ________, the obligation to help, in the absence of significant risk or cost to the agent, eliminates the agent's discretionary choice.

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. A __________ __________ _________ _________ (QALY) is a calculation that takes into account both the quantity and quality of life produced by medical interventions.

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. So-called ______ _________ risks are acceptable risks because they can be interpreted as effectively zero (e.g., 1 cancer/million).

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. Many acts of beneficence are not morally obligatory, but rather supererogatory.

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. One danger of generalizing obligations of beneficence too widely is that it may divert attention away from obligation to those with whom we have special moral relationships.

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. Because paternalistic acts do not respect the autonomy of patients, they are never justified in medicine.

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. The primary danger of policies of libertarian paternalism is a lack of public scrutiny due to their initially appealing nature.

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. Unlike the ordinary expanded access situation, it is unethical to withdraw an effective investigational product from a research subject who has a serious disorder or faces a significant risk of death and who has responded favorably to the investigational product.

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. Unlike cost–benefit analysis (CBA), cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) functions best to compare and evaluate different programs sharing an identical aim.

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. QALY-based cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) may be discriminatory against older people.

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