Quiz Content

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The maxim Primum non nocere is often proclaimed as the fundamental principle in the ______________ tradition.

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Examples of moral rules supported by the principle of nonmaleficence include all of the following except:

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In the controversial case of Charlie Gard, the UK government rejected the parent's request to seek treatment abroad, on the following grounds:

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Which of the following is a relevant moral distinction in deciding whether a medical intervention is ordinary (obligatory) or extraordinary (nonobligatory)?

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Which of the following is not a condition that must be met in order for an act to be morally justified under the rule of double effect?

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__________________ believe(s) that quality-of-life judgments shift the focus from whether treatments benefit patients to whether patients' lives are beneficial to them-a shift that opens the door to active, involuntary euthanasia.

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In order to judge whether an act of either killing or letting die is justified or unjustified, we need to know information about:

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About what percentage of those patients who request assistance in dying under the Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODWDA) decide not to ingest the prescribed drug?

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Which of the following is not listed among the conditions that are sufficient for justified physician assistance in ending life?

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An increasingly popular procedure for facilitating health care decisions in the case of diminished competency is the use of _______________, a type of advance directive in which one person assigns another person authority to perform specified actions on his or her behalf.

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The problems of broad consent and group harm are illustrated by the case of diabetes research on the ____________ Indians.

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Although it cannot be found in his written works, the maxim "Above all [or first], do no harm" is attributed to ______________.

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In cases of risk imposition, both law and morality recognize a standard of _______ _______, which involves taking appropriate measures to avoid causing harm as the circumstances demand of a reasonable and prudent person.

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Professional _____________ is an instance of negligence that involves failure to follow professional standards of care.

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Traditionally, actions that result in a merely foreseen, unintended bad result could be justified under the rule of _________ _________.

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Under the ___________ Death with Dignity Acta. ODWDA, physicians are permitted, under law, to write prescriptions for a lethal medication at a patient's request.

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Lawyers, physicians, and writers in bioethics have almost universally condemned the actions of ______ ______, whose "death machine" was used to assist in patient suicide without administering adequate medical or psychological examinations to determine patient competence.

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In the event that a patient loses the capacity to make decisions about medical care, a _________ must be chosen to make decisions on his or her behalf.

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Obligations of nonmaleficence are always more stringent than obligations of beneficence.

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Because secure anonymization is notoriously difficult to achieve, even anonymized biological samples can harm some personal and group interests and may violate the investigator-subject relationship.

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It is not possible to be too overprotective when regulating research involving human subjects.

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According to Beauchamp and Childress, the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary treatment is only relevant to the degree that it points to a quality-of-life criterion that balances benefits against burdens.

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Physicians have no obligation to provide pointless, futile, or contraindicated treatments.

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According to Beauchamp and Childress, nothing about either killing or allowing to die necessarily entails judgments about an act's actual wrongness or rightness.

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An incompetent patient's closest family member should always have final authority as a surrogate decision maker.

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