Verbal Communication

Quiz Content

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. 1. ______________ is the occurrence and ordering of words and sounds to convey an intended meaning.

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. 2. Laughing when you're out with friends has different ________ meaning than when laughing at a funeral.

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. 3. According to the theory of metaphor, metaphors highlight similarities and they __________ in the compared concepts.

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. 4. Asking a friend to borrow money by saying, "I'm sorry, I know it's a lot of money right now, but could you lend me $1,000 for the down payment of my new house," is an example of__________.

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. 5. ___________ is the substitution of vague or less emotionally charged words for more direct options.

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. 6. Words and sounds are the formal units that make up ___________

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. 7. The sentence, "Funny pink dreams eat flowers," is __________ incorrect.

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. 8. People who regularly interact and speak with one another typically belong to ________________.

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. 9. The higher you move up the ladder of abstraction, the more open language is to – ______________.

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. 10. Pragmatic competence is based upon being clear and being _____________.

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