Health Communication

Quiz Content

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. 1. _________________ is assessing people’s well-being based on their interaction with their digital devices.

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. 2. The United States ___________________________.

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. 3. One way to improve patient/provider interactions is to improve health care providers’ ___________, their ability to acknowledge, absorb, interpret, and act on the stories and plights of others.

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. 4. Efforts to use popular television programs such as Desperate Housewives to impart important health information to viewers are based on the_________ theory.

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. 5. Evidence suggests that the power distance between doctors and their patients ___________.

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. 6. _______ occurs when the patient experiences a treatment effect based solely on the doctor's words.

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. 7. _______ occurs when, in a provider-client interaction, the doctor is dominant, all-knowing and the patient is submissive and reliant.

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. 8. _______ occurs when, in provider-client interactions, physicians are experts who diagnose and fix the problem.

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. 9. The Health Belief Model says people will be motivated to act on a health message if they believe inaction will have serious consequences; this is the concept of _______________.

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. 10. Realizing a communication problem, many medical facilities create their patient materials at a __________ reading level.

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