Chapter 6 Self-test questions

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. Identify which of the following are not fiduciary duties of an agent. Please select all that apply.

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. In cases involving a unilateral contract of agency, the agent will not be under a duty to perform his contractual undertakings.

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. In relation to the agent's duty to obey instructions, which of the following statements are true? Please select all that apply.

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. Where the principal's instructions are ambiguous, then the agent must not act until he has sought clarification from his principal.

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. If an agent wrongfully delegates his authority, then several consequences can follow. Identify which of the following could result from a wrongful delegation of authority.

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. What standard of care is expected of a gratuitous agent?

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. An agent is not permitted, under any circumstances, to allow his own interests to conflict with those of his principal.

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. A payment made by a third party to an agent without the principal's consent will amount to a bribe, irrespective of whether the payment influenced the agent or whether it was given or received dishonestly.

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. Which one of the following statements regarding the duties of an agent is not true?

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. All agents have the right to remuneration for the work they carry out for their principal.

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