Chapter 6 Further reading

  • Alan Berg, ‘Bribery—Transaction Validity and Other Civil Law Implications’ [2001] LMCLQ 27. Discusses the remedies available to a principal in cases where his agent accepts a bribe.
  • FE Dowrick, ‘The Relationship of Principal and Agent ’ (1954) 17 MLR 24. Despite its age, this article still provides a useful and thorough discussion of the legal foundations that underpin the relationship between principal and agent.
  • Robert Flanagan, ‘The (Fiduciary) Duty of Fidelity’ (2008) 124 LQR 274. Discusses certain judges’ assertions regarding the existence of a duty of fidelity, and contends that such a duty demonstrates a failure to comprehend the relevant case law.
  • Joshua Getzle, ‘Inconsistent Duties and Implied Content’ (2006) 122 LQR 1. Discusses several cases relating to whether implied consent can lessen the strictness of the fiduciary duties.
  • Roderick Munday, Agency: Law and Principles (4th edn, OUP 2022) chs 8, 9, and 11. Chapter 8 focuses on the duties that an agent owes to his principal, whereas chapter 9 discusses the rights that an agent has against his principal. Chapter 11 looks at the tortious liability of principal and agent.
  • Peter G Watts, ‘Agents’ Entitlement to Commission ’ [2009] JBL 268. Discusses several cases in relation to the agent’s entitlement to commission.
  • Peter G Watts , Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (22nd edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2021) chs 5, 6, and 7. Chapter 5 examines the ability of an agent to delegate his functions. Chapter 6 focuses on the duties that an agent owes to his principal, whereas chapter 7 discusses the rights that an agent has against his principal.



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